California Goldfields ( Lasthenia californica )

Lasthenia californica, commonly known as California goldfields, is an annual flowering plant belonging to the family Asteraceae. It is native to California and is particularly prominent in the coastal ranges and valleys. This species is well-known for its vibrant yellow blooms that contribute significantly to the wildflower displays in California during the spring.

California Goldfields ( Lasthenia californica )
California Goldfields ( Lasthenia californica )


  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Clade: Angiosperms
  • Clade: Eudicots
  • Clade: Asterids
  • Order: Asterales
  • Family: Asteraceae
  • Genus: Lasthenia
  • Species: L. californica


Lasthenia californica is characterized by its bright yellow, daisy-like flowers. The plant typically reaches heights of 10-50 cm. Key morphological features include:

  • Stems: Erect, slender, and often branched.
  • Leaves: Basal leaves are linear to narrowly oblanceolate, often covered with fine hairs.
  • Flowers: Inflorescences are capitula, composed of numerous yellow ray and disk florets.
  • Fruit: Achene, with each achene being topped with a pappus aiding in wind dispersal.

Habitat and Distribution

Lasthenia californica is commonly found in a variety of habitats including grasslands, coastal prairies, and open woodlands. It thrives in areas with well-drained soils and full sunlight. The plant’s distribution is largely concentrated in California, though it can also be found in parts of Oregon, Nevada, and Baja California.


California goldfields play a significant role in their ecosystems. They provide nectar and pollen for various pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and other insects. The plant’s early blooming period helps sustain pollinator populations before other wildflowers and crops bloom.


Lasthenia californica reproduces sexually through seed production. The flowering period extends from February to May, during which pollination occurs primarily via insects. After pollination, seeds develop and are dispersed by wind and gravity. The seeds have a dormancy period that allows them to germinate under favorable conditions in the following year.

Conservation Status

Lasthenia californica is not currently listed as endangered or threatened. However, its habitats are often threatened by urban development, agriculture, and invasive species. Conservation efforts focus on preserving native habitats and controlling invasive species to ensure the continued survival of this and other native wildflower species.

Cultural and Economic Importance

California goldfields are valued for their aesthetic contributions to natural landscapes and wildflower displays. They are also studied for their ecological interactions and adaptability to various environmental conditions. Additionally, they are used in restoration projects aimed at re-establishing native plant communities.

Lasthenia californica is a vibrant and ecologically significant wildflower native to California. Its bright yellow blooms are a hallmark of the spring season in many regions, contributing to the biodiversity and aesthetic value of the areas they inhabit. Understanding the biology, ecology, and conservation needs of this species is essential for preserving its role in native ecosystems.


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