The Tombstone Epitaph – March 27, 1882

On March 27, 1882, The newspaper the Tombstone Epitaph announced the murder of Frank Stilwell in Tucson Arizona.

Frank Stilwell was an outlaw and a member of the Cochise County Cowboys, a group of rustlers and bandits who operated in southern Arizona during the late 19th century. Stilwell’s life took a fatal turn after he was implicated in the murder of Morgan Earp, the younger brother of lawman Wyatt Earp. On March 18, 1882, Morgan Earp was ambushed and killed in Tombstone, Arizona, while playing billiards. Wyatt Earp, seeking revenge for his brother’s murder, believed that Stilwell was one of the men responsible. Stilwell was known for his criminal activities, including cattle rustling, robbery, and involvement in various violent conflicts, which made him a prime target for Earp’s vendetta.

Just two days after Morgan’s death, Wyatt Earp and his posse tracked Stilwell to the train station in Tucson, Arizona, on March 20, 1882. Stilwell had been trying to flee, likely aware that Earp was on his trail. Earp and his men confronted Stilwell at the train station, and in a swift and brutal act of retribution, they shot and killed him. Stilwell’s body was found riddled with bullets, with some reports suggesting as many as five or six gunshots were fired into him at close range. This killing marked the beginning of Wyatt Earp’s infamous “Vendetta Ride,” a bloody campaign of vengeance against those he believed responsible for the death of his brother, further cementing Earp’s legend in the American West.

The following is a copy of the article from The Tombstone Epitaph, Mark 27, 1882 announcing the killing of Frank Stillwell.

The Tombstone Epitaph, Marth 27, 1882 headlined with the murder of Frank Stillwell by Wyatt Earp et all
The Tombstone Epitaph, Marth 27, 1882 headlined with the murder of Frank Stillwell by Wyatt Earp et all


Frank Stilwell Pound Dead this Morning,

Being Another Chanter In the Earp-Clanton Tragedy.

Special Dispatch to the Epitaph.

Tucson, March 21. This morning at daylight the track-man at the Southern Pacific railroad depot found the body of Frank Stilwell about one hundred yards north of Porter’s hotel, at the side, of the track, riddled with bullets.

The circumstances of the case, so far as learned, are as follows: Stilwell arrived here Sunday to appear before the grand jury on a charge of stage robbery near Bisbee last November. He was under bonds for his appearance. Last night when the west bound passenger train arrived, it brought the REMAINS OF MORGAN EARP, who had been killed Saturday night at Tombstone, and his three brothers, accompanied by Sherman McMasters, Doc Holliday and a man known as Johnson, all heavily armed with shotguns and revolvers. A few moments before the train started, Stilwell and lke Clanton (brother to W.M.-Clanton, who was killed in Tombstone by the Earps) went to the depot to meet a man by name of McDowell was to have come in witness before the grand jury. On their arrival at the depot they saw the Earp party walking on the platform. Stilwell advised Clanton to leave at once, saying they wanted to kill him. Clanton left a few moments later.

Stilwell was Seen WALKING DOWN THE TRACK in the direction where his body was found. Four of the armed men who were on the platform soon followed. One was described as a slender, light complexioned man wearing a white hat. Just as the train, was leaving, six shots wore heard in the locality of the assassination, but attracted no particular attention, and nothing was known of the tragedy until this morning whop the body was discovered. Six shots went into his body four rifle balls and two loads of buckshot.

Both legs were shot through and A CHARGE OP BUCKSHOT to his left thigh, and a charge through his breast, which must have been delivered close, as the coat was powder burnt, and six buckshot holes within a radius of three inches. Stilwell had a pistol on his person which was not discharged. He evidently was taken unawares, as he was desperate in a, fight and a quick shot. His watch was taken, in the hurry of which a part of the chain was left. There is much excitement here concerning the assassination, and many speculations are rife.

Some say that he was DECOYED TO THE SPOT where he fell as ho possessed strong evidence against certain stage robbers. Others think he was trying to get away from the Earp party and was overtaken, while it is thought by some that he went down the track to shoot one or more of the Earp party as the train was moving out, two of them being on board. The killing is thought to have been done by four of the party who accompanied the Earps here, as the four men who followed the deceased down the track WERE NOT SEEN AGAIN. This morning at one o’clock as the east bound freight train approached Papago, nine miles east of here, it was flagged and four armed men got on the train. They are strongly suspected.

The deceased was 27 years of age; was a native of Texas; is a brother to the famous scout Jack Stilwell. He has been in Arizona four years; was a teamster at Signal for some time and lately has been keeping a livery stable at Charleston and Bisbee, and was an ex deputy sheriff of Cochise county. Yesterday, Ike Clanton received several dispatches from Tombstone, warning him to look out that a party were coming down to put him out of the way, which put him on his GUARD. The authorities here are determined to get to the bottom of this matter, and if the parties are apprehended there will be no sham examination, but a trial on merits, and the guilty parties, whoever they may be, will suffer the penalty of the law.


Los Angeles Daily Herald – December 30, 1882

On December 30, 1881 the Los Angles Daily Herald broke the news of the Assassination attempt  on Marshall Virgil Earp
On December 30, 1881 the Los Angles Daily Herald broke the news of the Assassination attempt on Marshall Virgil Earp

The Los Angles Daily Herald reported on the assassination attempt on Virgil Earp, a key figure in the law enforcement of the Old West, occurred on December 28, 1881, in Tombstone, Arizona Territory. This event was part of the larger conflict known as the Earp-Cowboy feud, which culminated in the infamous Gunfight at the O.K. Corral.


Virgil Earp 1843 -1905
Virgil Earp 1843 -1905

Virgil Earp, along with his brothers Wyatt and Morgan, was heavily involved in law enforcement in Tombstone. The town, at the time, was a hotbed of tension between the Earps and the Cowboys, a loosely organized group of outlaws and rustlers. The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral on October 26, 1881, where Virgil played a leading role as Tombstone’s town marshal, escalated these tensions. In this shootout, three Cowboys—Tom McLaury, Frank McLaury, and Billy Clanton—were killed, while Virgil and his brothers emerged relatively unscathed. This event intensified the animosity between the Earps and their enemies.

The following is the newspaper account printed in the Los Angeles Daily Herald on December 30, 1882

Lawlessness at Tombstone Condition of Marshal Earp

Tombstone, Dec. 29th. The condition of United States Deputy Virgil Earp is Critical. The surgeons this afternoon took out the fractured bone in the arm above the elbow. The shot that penetrated the back above the left hip, passed through the body and lodged near the point of the hip, above the groin. The Doctor says that there are four chances in five that he will die. The local authorities are doing nothing to capture the assassins as far as it known. A telegram has been sent to the United States Marshall Dake, at Prescott, of the state of affairs here. Judge Spicer, Marshall Williams, Wyatt Earp, Rickabough and others are in momentary danger of assassination.

This morning a crank named Reilly started down Allen Street with a Winchester rifle in his hands, which caused great excitement. The officers arrested him without damage. The same man tried to jump down the Fiora Morrison shaft a week ago, but was prevented by men in the mine. His condition is said to be the effect of hard drink.


The Saturday Review, November 17, 1894

A Mythical Mine Headline in The Saturday Review, November 17, 1894
A Mythical Mine Headline in The Saturday Review, November 17, 1894

J.C. Bicknell’s newspaper articles on the Lost Dutchman Mine, published in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, played a significant role in popularizing the legend of the elusive gold mine hidden in the Superstition Mountains of Arizona. Bicknell, an editor and writer with a flair for storytelling, often blended facts with folklore in his accounts, creating a captivating narrative that drew readers into the mystery of the mine.

His articles typically described the treacherous terrain of the Superstition Mountains, the dangers faced by treasure hunters, and the various claims made by those who sought the mine. Bicknell’s writing often emphasized the drama and intrigue surrounding the mine’s supposed discovery by Jacob Waltz, the “Dutchman” for whom the mine is named, and the subsequent disappearances and deaths of those who tried to locate it after his death.

Bicknell’s stories were filled with colorful characters, dramatic encounters, and mysterious clues, contributing to the enduring allure of the Lost Dutchman Mine legend. His work not only kept the legend alive but also inspired countless adventurers and treasure hunters to search for the fabled gold, ensuring that the tale of the Lost Dutchman Mine would become a permanent fixture in American folklore.

The following article by P. C Bicknell is posted the The Saturday Review, November 17, 1894.

Mythical Mine

Story of a Lost Claim in the Superstition Mountains


Phoenix People Now Hunting for the Treasure With Prospects of Success.

Saturday Reviews.

Fifty-six miles a little south of east of Phoenix, or 6ome eighteen miles from Goldfield, in the Superstition mountains, is a mythical mine that may some day prove a reality. More than thirty years ago, or in the early sixties, so the story goes, two German prospectors came to Arizona, and in the secluded spot a above mentioned they found six Mexican working a rich gold mine They were mining by the crude Spanish method, but the ore was to rich and the gold so plentiful that the Dutch prospectoss were determined to get possession of the claim. They did so by the speediest method, by killing the Mexican, dead men tell no tales,

As civilization drifted into this valley Dutch Jacob and his partner, both with plenty of gold, became familiar to the people. Later the partner disappeared, and it is generally supposed he left by the same route as did the half dozen Mexicans a few years before.

Finally the now aged Ditch Jacob moved to the vicinity of Phoenix, but he made frequent trips the Superstition mountains, going alone, and each time he brought back bountiful riches. Finally old Jacob, along in the seventies lived the life of a recluse, and was seen in Phoenix but once in a year or two. Ha a ways turned up at election time and his only mission on earth seemed to be to vote the Republican ticker; during the remainder of the time few knew he was on earth. He made his last trip to the mine in ’84. This time he brought $500 of gold in two small sacks.

He was now approaching the age of four score, and he became quite feeble. During his declining years a sympathetic Ruth ministered to the tottering Jacob, and in 90 he quit this earth. To this woman, who is now a well known married woman of Phoenix, he left his little property here. He also divulged the secret of the mine, which she tells as follows:

In a gulch in the Superstition Mountains, the location of which is described by certain landmarks, there is a two room house in the mouth of a cave, on the wide of the slope near the gulch. Just across the gulch, about 20o yards, opposite this house in the cave, is a tunnel, well covered up and concealed n the bushes. Here is the mine, the richest in the world, according to Dutch Jacob. Some distance above the tunnel on the a shaft of incline that is not so steep but one can climb down. This too, Is covered carefully, The shaft goes right down in the midst of the rich gold ledge, where it can be picked off in big flakes of almost pure gold.

After Dutch Jacob had been buried the woman took a miner with her and spent an entire summer hunting for the mine, but she was unable to find even the ruins of the house. She tried again next year, but failed, owning perhaps to changes wrought by the heavy rains that annually fall in that section.

Many had hunted for the mine even twenty years ago, and since the death of Dutch Jacob, J. E. Bark, P. C. Bicknell the journalistic prospector, and many others have made frequent trips in that locality.

A few weeks ago Mr. Bicknell accidentally stumbled onto the stone house with two rooms in the mouth of a cave. He felt as though he now had the secret but the grubstake was about played out and he returned to Phoenix. As an evidence he brought a hand-made shovel pounded out of an iron rod. This crude implement looked as though it had been used in the work of reducing ore, as it is yet covered with slag and some signs of silver. An old drill rag was also picked up in the cabin.

Bicknell has again gone, and the last week Frank Luke and Frank Kirkland armed with the full story of the mythical mine started for the Superstitions. They reached Goldfield, which is some eighteen miles from the spot, but the rough country makes the distance twenty-six miles. Here they chartered a horse and a mule and started out in search of the bidden fortune. The day was hot and the in mule lazy, so that after going thirteen miles, or half way, Kirkland weakened. His legs grew tired kicking the mule, and they feared as he grew slower they would not be able to return. Frank would not chance walking, so a council was held and they returned to Goldfield, and next day returned to Phoenix, having gone to within thirteen miles of the place and been absent four days.

The secret of the mice is still unsolved and it may remain so for years, or even forever, but one thing is certain, of all the bidden mines of Arizona there is a present the best evidence that the one operated by Dutch Jacob did exist and that it is an unusually rich claim. The old man in his dying hour made the location so plain to the woman that she never doubted him. If Bicknell does not now solve the problem the precaution taken by Dutch Jacob will ba the only reason.


The Tombstone Epitaph, March 20, 1882

The Tombstone Epitaph, March 20, 1882 reports of the murder of Tombstone Resident Morgan Earp while playing pool in Tombstone, Arizona. This event followed the O K Corral shootout and the attempted murder of Virgil Earp. These two events caused Wyatt Earp to lead a vendetta ride across the desert hunting the assassins. The death of Moargan made the right side of page three.

The Tombstone Epitaph, March 20, 1882
The Tombstone Epitaph, March 20, 1882
Morgan Earp historical photo, 1881. Probably taken by C.S. Fly.
Morgan Earp historical photo, 1881. Probably taken by C.S. Fly.

March 20, 1882
The Assassin at Last Successful in His Devilish Mission

Morgan Earp Shot Down and Killed While Playing Billiards

At 10:00 Saturday night while engaged in playing a game of billiards in Campbell & Hatch’s Billiard parlor, on Allen between Fourth and Fifth, Morgan Earp was shot through the body by an unknown assassin.

At the time the shot was fired he was playing a game with Bob Hatch, one of the proprietors of the house and was standing with his back to the glass door in the rear of the room that opens out upon the alley that leads straight through the block along the west side of A.D. Otis & Co.’s store to Fremont Street.

This door is the ordinary glass door with four panes in the top in place of panels. The two lower panes are painted, the upper ones being clear. Anyone standing outside can look over the painted glass and see anything going on in the room just as well as though standing in the open door.

At the time the shot was fired the deceased must have been standing within ten feet of the door, and the assassin standing near enough to see his position, took aim for about the middle of his person, shooting through the upper portion of the whitened glass.

The bullet entered the right side of the abdomen, passing through the spinal column, completely shattering it, emerging on the left side, passing the length of the room and lodging in the thigh of Geo. A.B. Berry, who was standing by the stove, inflicting a painful flesh wound.

Instantly after the first shot a second was fired through the top of the upper glass which passed across the room and lodged in the wall near the ceiling over the head of Wyatt Earp, who was sitting as a spectator of the game.

Morgan fell instantly upon the first fire and lived only about one hour. His brother Wyatt, Tipton, and McMasters rushed to the side of the wounded man and tenderly picked him up and moved him some ten feet away near the door of the card room, where Drs. Matthews, Goodfellow and Millar, who were called, examined him and, after a brief consultation, pronounced the wound mortal.

He was then moved into the card room and placed on the lounge where in a few brief moments he breathed his last, surrounded by his brothers, Wyatt, Virgil, James and Warren with the wives of Virgil and James and a few of his most intimate friends.

Notwithstanding the intensity of his mortal agony, not a word of complaint escaped his lips, and all that were heard, except those whispered into the ear of his brother and known only to him were, “Don’t, I can’t stand it. This is the last game of pool I’ll ever play.” The first part of the sentence being wrung from him by an attempt to place him upon his feet.

The funeral cortege started away from the Cosmopolitan hotel about 12:30 yesterday with the fire bell tolling its solemn peals of “Earth to earth, dust to dust.”


Tombstone Daily Nugget, October 27, 1881

The Tombstone Daily Nugget, October 27, 1881 described the the infamous gun fight at the O K Corral between the Earps and the Clanton faction in Tombstone.

Tombstone Daily Nugget October 27, 1881

A Desperate Street Fight

Tombstone Daily Nugget, October 27, 1881

Marshal Virgil Earp, Morgan and Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday Meet the Cowboys – Three Men Killed and Two Wounded, One Seriously – Origins of the Trouble and its Tragic Termination.

The 26th of October, 1881, will always be marked as one of the crimson days in the annals of Tombstone, a day when blood flowed as water, and human life was held as a shuttlecock, a day always to be remembered as witnessing the bloodiest and deadliest street fight that has ever occurred in this place, or probably in the Territory.The origin of the trouble dates back to the first arrest of Stilwell and Spencer for the robbery of the Bisbee stage. The co-operation of the Earps and the Sheriff and his deputies in the arrest caused a number of cowboys to, it is said, threaten the lives of all interested in the capture. Still, nothing occured to indicate that any such threats would be carried into execution. But Tuesday night Ike Clanton and Doc Holliday had some difficulty in the Alhambra saloon. Hard words passed between them, and when they parted it was generally understood that the feeling between the two men was that of intense hatred. Yesterday morning Clanton came on the street armed with a rifle and revolver, but was almost immediately arrested by Marshal Earp, dismissed and fined by Justice Wallace for carrying concealed weapons. While in the Court room Wyatt Earp told him that as he had made threats against his life he wanted him to make his fight, to say how, when and where he would fight, and to get his crowd, and he (Wyatt) would be on hand.

In reply, Clanton said: “Four feet of ground is enough for me to fight on, and I’ll be there.” A short time after this William Clanton and Frank McLowry [sic] came into town, and as Thomas McLowry was already here the feeling soon became general that a fight would ensue before the day was over, and crowds of expectant men stood on the corner of Allen and Fourth streets awaiting the coming conflict.

It was now about two o’clock, and at this time Sheriff Behan appeared upon the scene and told Marshal Earp that if he disarmed his posse, composed of Morgan and Wyatt Earp, and Doc Holliday, he would go down to the O.K. Corral where Ike and James [sic] Clanton and Frank and Tom McLowry were and disarm them. The Marshal did not desire to do this until assured that there was no danger of attack from the other party. The Sheriff went to the corral and told the cowboys that they must put their arms away and not have any trouble. Ike Clanton and Tom McLowry said they were not armed, and Frank McLowry said he would not lay his aside. In the meantime the Marshal had concluded to go and, if possible, end the matter by disarming them, and as he and his posse came down Fremont Street towards the corral, the Sheriff stepped out and said: “HOld up boys, don’t go down there or there will be trouble: I have been down there to disarm them.” But they passes on, and when within a few feet of the the Marshal said to the Clantons and McLowrys: “Throw up your hands boys, I intend to disarm you.”

As he spoke, Frank McLowry made a motion to draw his revolver, when Wyatt Earp pulled his and shot him, the ball striking on the right side of his abdomen. About the same time Doc Holliday shot Tom McLowry in the right side using a short shotgun, such as is carried by Wells-Fargo & Co.’s messengers. IN the meantime Billy Clanton had shot at Morgan Earp, the ball passing through the point of the left shoulder blade across the back, just grazing the backbone and coming out at the shoulder, the ball remaining inside his shirt. He fell to the ground but in an instant gathered himself, and raising in a sitting position fired at Frank McLowry as he crossed Freemont Street, and at the same instant Doc Holliday shot at him, both balls taking effect either of which would have proved fatal, as one struck him in the right temple and the other in the left breast. As he started across the street, however, he pulled his gun down on Holliday saying, “I’ve got you now.” “Blaze away! You’re a daisy if you have, ” replied Doc. This shot of McLowry’s passed through Holliday’s pistol pocket, just grazing the skin.

While this was going on Billy Clanton had shot Virgil Earp in the right leg, the ball passing through the calf, inflicting a severe flesh wound. In turn he had been shot by Morgan Earp in the right wrist and once in the left breast. Soon after the shooting commenced Ike Clanton ran through the O.K. Corral, across Allen Street into Kellogg’s saloon and thence into Toughnut street where he was arrested and taken to the county jail. The firing altogether didn’t occupy more than twenty-five seconds, during which time fully thirty shots wree fired. After the fight was over Billy Clanton, who, with wonderful vitality, survived his wounds for fully an hour, was carried by the editor and foreman of the Nugget into a house near where he lay, and everything possible was done to make his last moments easy. He was “game” to the last, never uttering a word of complaint, and just before breathing his last he said, “Goodbye boys; go away and let me die.” The wounded were taken to their houses, and at three o’clock next morning were resting comfortably. The dead bodies were taken in charge by the Coroner, and an inquest will be held upon them at 10 o’clock today. Upon the person of Thomas McLowry was found between $300 and $400 and checks and certificates of deposit to the amount of nearly $3,000.

During the shooting Sheriff Behan was standing nearby commanding the contestants to cease firing but was powerless to prevent it. Several parties who were in the vicinity of the shooting had “narrow escapes” from being shot. One man who had lately arrived from the east had a ball pass through his pants. He left for home this morning. A person called “the Kid” who shot Hicks at Charleston recently, was also grazed by a ball. When the Vizina [mine] whistle gave the signal that there was a conflict between the officers and cowboys, the mines on the hill shut down and the miners were brought to the surface. From the Contention mine a number of men, fully armed, were sent to town on a four-horse carriage. At the request of the Sheriff the “Vigilantes,” or Committee of Safety, wre called from the streets by a few sharp toots from the Vizina’s whistle. During the early part of the evening there was a rumor that a mob would attempt to take Ike Clanton frm the jail and lynch him, and to prevent any such unlawful proceedings a strong guard of deputtes [sic] was placed around that building and will be so continued until all danger is past.

At 8 o’clock last evening Finn Clanton, a brother of Billy and Ike, came to town, and placing himself under the guard of the Sheriff, visited the morgue to see the remains of his brother, and then passed the night in jail in company with the other.


Shortly after the shooting ceased the whistle at the Vizina mine sounded a few short toots, and almost simultaneously a large number of citizens appeared on the streets armed with rifles and a belt of cartridges around their waists. These men formed in line and offered their services to the peace officers to preserve orderin case any attempt at disturbance was made, or any interference offered to the authorities of the law. However, no hostile move was made by anyone, and the quiet and order was fully restored, and in a short time the excitement died away.


The bodies of the three slain cowboys lay side by side, covered with a sheet. Very little blood appeared on their clothing, and only on the face of young Billy Clanton was there any distortion of the features or evidence of pain in dying. The features of the two McLowry boys looked as calm and placid in death as if they had died peaceably, surrounded by loving friends and sorrowing relatives. No unkind remarks were made by anyone, but feeling of unusual sorrow seemed to prevail at the sad occurrence. Of the two McLowry brothers we could learn nothing of their previous history before coming to Arizona. The two brothers owned quite an extensive ranch on the lower San Pedro, some seventy or eighty miles from this city, to which they had removed their band of cattle since the recent Mexican and Indian troubles. They did not bear the reputation of being of a quarrelsome disposition, but were known as fighting men, and have generally conducted themselves in a quiet and orderly manner when in Tombstone.
