Beatty NSHM 173 is Nevada State Historical Marker number one hundred and seventy three five and is located just off of highway 95 in the town of Beatty in Nye County, Nevada. This marker is posted just off the highway on an island. Its orientation is such that when travelling north through town, it is quite visible, but may be difficult to find when travelling south. Beatty, Nevada was an old mining town and served as ta border town for old Nevada. The boomtown was provided passengers, frieght and mail service by three railroads, Tonopah and Tidewater Road, Las Vegas and Tonopah Railroad and the Bullfrog and Goldfield.
In 1867, the Nevada Legislature approved the action of Congress to add that portion of the Territory of Arizona which lay to the south of this line, west of the 114 degree west longitude and the Colorado River, and to the east of the boundary of California. This action, taken on January 18, 1867, gave to the State of Nevada the permanent boundaries as they are today.
Nevada State Historical Markers identify significant places of interest in Nevada’s history. The Nevada State Legislature started the program in 1967 to bring the state’s heritage to the public’s attention with on-site markers. Budget cuts to the program caused the program to become dormant in 2009. Many of the markers are lost of damaged.
Nevada State Historic Marker Summary
ID | 173 |
Name | Beatty |
Location | Nye County, Nevada |
Latitude, Longitude | 36.5922, -116.7558 |
Nevada State Historic Marker Map
Nevada State Historic Marker Text
During 1906-’07 three railroads were built in this area. The Las Vegas and Tonopah built from Las Vegas through Beatty and Rhyolite to Goldfield. The Bullfrog Goldfield built south from Goldfield to Beatty and Rhyolite. The Tonopah and Tidewater built north from Ludlow, California to Gold Center and used the BG tracks from Gold Center to Beatty and Rhyolite until 1914.
Rancher M.M. Beatty drove the last spike here on April 18, 1907, marking the completion of the first and only north-south railroad system in the state. Rails were torn up at Beatty beginning on July 18, 1942.
Nevada State Historic Marker #165