The Globemallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua) is a perennial herb and orange wildflower which is commonly found in Nevada, California, Utah and Arizona. This plant grows well in sandy or alkaline soil and found in creosote bush and desert chaparral habitats and typically grows between 1 – 3 feet tall and typically found at elevations up to 4000 ft.
The orange flowers of this plant grow in clusters at the end of the stem. It boasts broads leaves which are comprised on three lobes. Like other desert plants, the globemallow grows fast and fades faster, however, the flowers produce an abundance of nectar and commonly used by bees and other insects. The globe mallow is known to attract hummingbirds and butterflies. The plant flowers in the spring, however with an adequate supply of rainfall, it is known to bloom almost year round.

Native Americans are known to have used the plant for a variety of medicinal purposes including the treatment of sore throats, eye disease and diarrhea. The roots of the plant would be used to treat upset stomachs and poultices where made for broken bones and swelling.
Other common names for this flower include apricot mallow, roughleaf apricot mallow, desert mallow, sore-eye poppy, mal de ojo, Parish mallow, desert hollyhock.