Nevada Wild Flowers

Arizona Thistle (Cirsium arizonicum) - Photo by James L Rathbun

Arizona Thistle ( Cirsium arizonicum )

Arizona Thistle ( Cirsium arizonicum ) is a member of the sunflower family and common across the south west. The thistle has a two year…
California Goldfields ( Lasthenia californica )

California Goldfields ( Lasthenia californica )

Lasthenia californica, commonly known as California goldfields, is an annual flowering plant belonging to the family Asteraceae. It is native to California and is particularly…
The California Poppy the state flower of California.

California Poppy ( Eschscholzia californica )

The California Poppy the state flower of California. As the name implies, the California Poppy is that state flower of California. However, this little flower…
Chicalote (Argemone munita)

Chicalote (Argemone munita)

Chicalote (Argemone munita) A species of prickly poppy, Chicalote (Argemone munita) is also known as the flatbud prickly poppy. A native of California, the Chicalote…
Common Fiddleneck ( Amsinckia intermedia var. intermedia ) - Photo by James L Rathbun

Common Fiddleneck ( Amsinckia intermedia )

The Common Fiddleneck ( Amsinckia intermedia ) is a wildflower common across the United States and a member of the forget-me-not-family. Also known as the…
Coyote Melon (Cucurbita palmata)

Coyote Melon (Cucurbita palmata)

Coyote Melon (Cucurbita palmata) Coyote Melon (Cucurbita palmata), also known as Coyote Gourd, is a flowering plant common in the desert southwest and known to…
A Davey Gilia stalk poking up between the California Poppies in the Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve.

Davy Gilia (Gilia latiflora)

A Davey Gilia stalk poking up between the California Poppies in the Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve. Davy Gilia (Gilia latiflora) also known as Hollyleaf gilia…
Desert Marigolds located off the Old Mojave Road.

Desert Marigolds (Baileya multiradiata)

Desert Marigolds photographed near the Old Mojave Road. Desert Marigolds (Baileya multiradiata) are an abundant and well distributed flower across the desert south west. The…
Fremont's Phacelia (Phacelia fremontii) photographed in Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada

Fremont’s Phacelia (Phacelia fremontii)

Fremont's Phacelia (Phacelia fremontii) is a small delicate looking flowering plant commonly commonly found in the southwestern United States including Nevada, Arizona and California. The…
Globemallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua)

Globemallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua)

Globemallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua) The Globemallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua) is a perennial herb and orange wildflower which is commonly found in Nevada, California, Utah and Arizona. This…
Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja miniata)

Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja miniata)

The Giant Red Indian Paintbrush or Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja miniata) is a wildflower and perennial which is quite common in the western United States, including…
Mojave-aster ( Xylorhiza tortifolia )

Mojave-aster ( Xylorhiza tortifolia )

Mojave-aster ( Xylorhiza tortifolia ) A member of the sunflower family, the Mojave-aster ( Xylorhiza tortifolia ) boasts a delicate lavender flower in the harsh…
Mojave Poppy ( Eschscholzia glyptosperma )

Mojave Poppy ( Eschscholzia glyptosperma )

Eschscholzia glyptosperma, commonly known as the desert gold poppy or desert poppy, is a species of flowering plant in the Papaveraceae family. This annual herb…
Notch-leaved phacelia - Photo by James L Rathbun

Notch-leaved phacelia ( phacelia crenulata )

Notch-leaved phacelia ( phacelia crenulata ) is a lovely little purple wild flower which grows across the desert southwest from California to Texas. The plant…
Penstemon palmeri flower - Photo by James L Rathbun

Palmers Penstemon ( penstemon palmeri )

In the spring on 2020 I was photographing along the Morning Star Mine Road, we happened upon Palmers Penstemon ( penstemon palmeri ). This species…
Silvery Lupine (Lupinus argenteus)

Silvery Lupine (Lupinus argenteus)

Silvery Lupine (Lupinus argenteus) Silvery Lupine (Lupinus argenteus) is a fairly common vibrant purple wild flower and is common in much of Western North America…
Snow plant (Sarcodes sanguinea) in Big Bear, California

Snow plant (Sarcodes sanguinea)

Snow plant (Sarcodes sanguinea) in Big Bear, California The Snow plant (Sarcodes sanguinea) is a rather rare and unique member of the plant community. The…
Photographed in the White Moundtains, Phlox diffusa is a small white flowering plant which prefers alpine and sub-alpine environments.

Spreading Phlox ( Phlox diffusa )

Spreading Phlox ( Phlox diffusa ) is a perennial shrub with small needle like leaves.  This is a small white flowering plant prefers alpine, sub-alpine…
Western Wallflower (Erysimum capitatium)

Western Wallflower (Erysimum capitatium)

A member of the mustard family, the Western Wallflower ( Erysimum capitatium ) is a brightly colored yellow flower which is quite common across the…