Rhyolite Train Depot

The town of Rhyolite boasted three train services using the Rhyolite Train Depot which is completed in June, 1908. The depot services the Las Vegas & Tonopah, the Tonopah & Tidewater and the Bullfrog-Goldfield train services. The Las Vegas & Tonopah Railroad started its push to Rhyolite by laying one mile of track per day. Later, the railroad redoubled its efforts and pushed two miles per day its its bid to connect the booming two of Rhyolite with the outside world.

Rhyolite Train Depot is located at the north end of town in Rhyolite, Nye County, Nevada.  - Photo by James L Rathbun
Rhyolite Train Depot is located at the north end of town in Rhyolite, Nye County, Nevada. – Photo by James L Rathbun

The first train entered Rhyolite at 7:00 pm on December 14th, 1906 bringing another 100 people into the town. Train service to the booming mining town was a big deal. The fact that Rhyolite could lure three train services all but ensured the future of the largest mining town in the state.

In 1907, the Las Vegas & Tidewater line alone hauled 50 freight cars per day into Rhyolite. This volume required a large depot to handle the load. In September 1907, the construction of the depot started by the Las Vegas & Tidewater Railroad. The Mission Revival styled building in constructed with concrete blocks built upon a solid concrete foundation. A gentlemen’s waiting area is located in the east end and a separate ladies waiting room is located in the west end. The ticket office is located in the center of the building and the ticket agents office is located on the second floor.

The train depot takes up an entire city block on Golden Street. The cost on construction was $130,000, or about $3.8 million in 2021.

The train depot in Rhyolite is complete in June 1908. The timing of the complete is ironic in that it coincided with the beginning on the decline of Rhyolite. Within months of completion of the depot, more people were leaving town using the station than arriving. In the first year of operation, the railroad generated a small profit. Between 1909 and 1919 the railroads lost money each year. By 1919, the railroads cut their losses and salvaged the tracks for other projects.

Rhyolite Ghost Casino

The 1920’s offered a brief revival to the town on Rhyolite. Wes Moreland purchase the train depot in 1935 and opened the Rhyolite Ghost Casino in 1937. Drinking and gambling are available on the first floor. The second floor operates as a brothel. The star of World Ware 2 halts the brief rebirth of Rhyolite. The fuel rationing almost completely drained the economy in the area.

In the 1960’s Moreland sister inherited the train depot. Mrs. Herschel Heiser operated a museum and gift shop out of the old station.

At the time it was built, the train depit is claimed to be “The finest in the state.” Today, the train station is one of the best preserved.

Rhyolite Trail Depot Map

1000 m

Rhyolite Train Depot Marker Text

In keeping with its prominence as a mining center, Rhyolite was serviced by three railroads: the Las Vegas & Tonopah, the Tonopah & Tidewater, and the Bullfrog-Goldfield.

The Las Vegas & Tonopah Railroad laid one mile of track per day, then two miles of track per day, in its hurry to connect Rhyolite with the outside world. The first train from the Las Vegas & Tonopah entered Rhyolite at 7 p.m. on December 14, 1906, with about 100 passengers.

It was a big deal for a young mining town to be serviced by one railroad, but three railroads were almost unheard of in the history of Nevada. With three railroads, it seemed that Rhyolite was destined to be the largest mining camp in the state and the first few boom years made this prediction look inevitable.

By 1907, the Las Vegas & Tonopah alone was hauling 50 freight cars into town per day. The large volume of freight required a large depot to handle it.

In September 1907, the Las Vegas & Tonopah began building the depot that stands before you. It is constructed of concrete block with a solid concrete foundation in the Mission Revival style. There was a gentlemen’s waiting area on the east end and a ladies’ waiting room on the west end. A separate baggage room was located east of the men’s waiting area. The ticket office was located in the center of the building, and the ticket agent’s quarters were located upstairs.

It was planned to take an entire city block on Golden Street and cost approximately $130,000 – the equivalent of $3,798,393 in 2021.

The Las Vegas & Tonopah Railroad Depot was completed in June 1908, around the same time that Rhyolite began its slow decline. Within months of its completion, more people were leaving Rhyolite through the depot than were arriving.
The railroad turned a small profit in 1908 but lost money every following year until it was finally dismantled in 1919. The tracks were salvaged, but the depot was left to stand as one of the few remaining buildings from the Rhyolite boom, primarily because it could not be moved elsewhere.

In the 1920s, Rhyolite enjoyed a small revival through tourism. Wes Moreland bought the depot in 1935 and, beginning in 1937, operated it as the Rhyolite Ghost Casino. The drinking and gaming were conducted downstairs, while a different type of hospitality, reportedly staffed by “working women,” was conducted upstairs in the old ticket agent’s quarters.

Like the town before it, the casino had a relatively short life. The onset of World War II, and the associated  Rhyolite Train Depot Markerwar effort, including fuel rationing, completely drained the area’s economy.
By the 1960s, the building had passed to Moreland’s sister, Mrs. Herschel Heisler, who operated the lower floor as a museum and gift shop for tourists.

Since the 1930s, the depot has passed from person to person, eventually ending up with the Barrick Mining Company.
In October 2000, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) acquired the depot, along with most of the Rhyolite Townsite, from the mining company in a land swap.

At some time before the swap, a group of local citizens replaced the historic depot roof with modern composite shingles. Although not historically accurate, the shingles have helped preserve the building in the relatively good condition that you see today.

At the time the depot was built, the local newspaper claimed it was “the finest in the state.” Today, it is one of the best-preserved examples of early twentieth-century Mission Revival train depots in Nevada.

The BLM’s Tonopah Field Office is working to restore this historic building. If you would like to donate to the restoration, a secure donation box is located to your right. All donations will be used in Rhyolite.

Please help us keep the depot in its current condition. Report acts of vandalism to the Tonopah Field Office at (775) 482-7800.

Bullfrog Goldfield Railroad

The Bullfrog and Goldfield Railroad, often referred to as the B&G Railroad, played a significant role in the late 19th and early 20th-century mining boom in Nevada, United States. Its story is one of ambition, perseverance, and the allure of riches.

Bullfrog Goldfield Railroad in Rhyolite
Bullfrog Goldfield Railroad in Rhyolite

Founding and Early Years (1905-1907)

The railroad was founded in 1905, primarily to serve the mining towns of Rhyolite and Goldfield in Nevada. These towns had experienced a rapid influx of prospectors and miners following the discovery of gold in the early 1900s. Recognizing the need for efficient transportation of ore, supplies, and passengers, investors pooled their resources to establish the Bullfrog and Goldfield Railroad Company.

Construction and Expansion (1907-1909)

Construction of the railroad began in earnest in 1907, with crews working tirelessly to lay tracks across the rugged Nevada terrain. The route was challenging, requiring bridges, tunnels, and cuts through rocky hillsides. Despite these obstacles, the railroad made rapid progress, fueled by the promise of the region’s abundant mineral wealth.

By 1908, the B&G Railroad had reached Goldfield, becoming an essential lifeline for the booming mining town. Its arrival facilitated the transportation of gold ore to processing mills and connected Goldfield to wider markets, driving further growth and investment in the area.

Peak Years (1910-1913)

The early 1910s marked the peak of the Bullfrog and Goldfield Railroad’s operation. With its network expanded, the railroad played a vital role in transporting not only ore but also passengers, mail, and supplies to and from the bustling mining towns it served. The railroad’s locomotives and cars became a familiar sight, chugging through the arid Nevada landscape, carrying the hopes and dreams of those seeking fortune in the desert.

Decline and Legacy (1914 onwards)

The prosperity of the B&G Railroad, however, was short-lived. As the gold rush began to wane and mines reached their peak production, the demand for transportation dwindled. The onset of World War I further impacted the region’s economy, leading to a decline in mining activity and a subsequent decrease in rail traffic.

By the mid-1910s, the Bullfrog and Goldfield Railroad faced financial difficulties. Maintenance costs soared, while revenue declined, forcing the company to cut services and lay off workers. In 1918, the railroad ceased operations altogether, its tracks falling into disrepair and its locomotives left to rust in the desert sun.

While the Bullfrog and Goldfield Railroad may have faded into history, its legacy endures. It played a pivotal role in the development of Nevada’s mining industry, facilitating the extraction and transportation of precious metals that fueled the region’s economy. Today, the remnants of the railroad serve as a reminder of the boom and bust cycles that have shaped the American West.

Bullfrog and Goldfield Route

Locomotives of the Bullfrog and Goldfield

Bullfrog Goldfield Railroad Route

20 km

Bullfrog Goldfield Railroad Summary

NameBullfrog Goldfield Railroad
LocationNye County, Nevada
Length84.78 Miles
GaugeStandard Gauge


Las Vegas and Tonopah Railroad

The Las Vegas and Tonopah Railroad was a standard gauge railroad which operated along 197 miles between the town of Las Vegas and Goldfield, NV. Despite the name of the route, service from Goldfield to Tonopah is complete on the Tonopah and Goldfield Railroad.

Rhyolite Train Depot is located at the north end of town in Rhyolite, Nye County, Nevada. - Photo by James L Rathbun
Rhyolite Train Depot for the Las Vegas and Tonopah Railroad is located at the north end of town in Rhyolite, Nye County, Nevada. – Photo by James L Rathbun


Railroad logo from a 1910 Las Vegas and Tonopah Railroad timetable.
Railroad logo from a 1910 Las Vegas and Tonopah Railroad timetable.

Despite a verbal agreement with Francis Marion Smith in April, 1905, William A Clark incorporated the Las Vegas and Tonopah Railroad on September 22, 1905. By this time, Borax Smith graded about 12 miles of the track route for his operations in Lila C, or Ryan as it would later be known.

Following a no-trespassing order served to Smith, Clark initial started laying track up the valley from Las Vegas on the route graded by Borax Smith. Track reached Indian Springs from Las Vegas on March 1st, 1906. By June, 30th, 1906 rail is laid down all the way to Rose’s Well. The route to Rhyolite, Nevada is completed in December 1906. During the height of construction, the track gangs were pushing the track forward at a rate of about 1.5 miles per day and complete the route into Goldfield in November, 1907. A financial panic of 1907 caused the failure of the town of Rhyolite which served a major blow to the newly complete line.

The LV & T is merged with the Bullfrog Goldfield Railroad in 1914 when it operated some 15 locomotives. Between December 1906 and February 1st, 1917, daily train service hauled passengers, mail and freight between Las Vegas and Beatty. After February 1917, only three trains ran per week until 1919 when the railroad is closed and scrapped.

The Las Vegas & Tonopah Railroad laid one mile of track per day, then two miles of track per day, in its hurry to connect Rhyolite with the outside world. The first train from the Las Vegas & Tonopah entered Rhyolite at 7 p.m. on December 14, 1906, with about 100 passengers.

Rhyolite Train Depot Marker

Las Vegas to Goldfield Route

The Las Vegas and Tonapah Railroad was 197 miles long 23 stops along the way. The trip took about 8 hours to complete with food service only being offered at Rhyolite.

  • Goldfield ( Mile 0 )
  • T & G Crossing ( Mile 1)
  • Red Rock ( Mile 4)
  • Ralston ( Mile 17 )
  • Stonewall ( Mile 21 )
  • Wagner ( Mile 28 )
  • San Carlos ( Mile 34 )
  • Bonnie Claire ( Mile 41 )
  • Midway ( Mile 43 )
  • Petersgold ( Mile 59 )
  • Mud Spring (Mile 65
  • Original ( Mile 70 )
  • Rhyolite ( Mile 74 )
  • Beatty ( Mile 79 )
  • Gold Center (Mile 81 )
  • Chloride ( Mile 87 )
  • Rosewell ( Mile 97 )
  • Canyon ( Mile 109 )
  • Amaragosa (Mile 122 )
  • Charleston ( Mile 138 )
  • Indian Spring ( Mile153 )
  • Owens ( Mile 169 )
  • Corn Creek ( Mile 174 )
  • Tule ( Mile 182 )
  • Las Vegas ( Mile 197 )

20 km


NameLas Vegas and Tonopah Railroad
LocationClark County, Nevada
Nye County, Nevada
Esmeralda County, Nevada
GaugeStandard Gauge – 4 feet 8.5 inches (1,435 mm)
Length197 miles
Years of Operation1906–1918

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Nevada State Historic Marker #173 – Beatty

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Nevada State Historical Markers identify significant places of interest in Nevada’s history. The Nevada State Legislature started the program in 1967 to bring the state’s heritage to the public’s attention with on-site markers. Budget cuts to the program caused the program to become dormant in 2009. Many of the markers are lost of damaged.

Nevada State Historic Marker Summary

LocationNye County, Nevada
Latitude, Longitude 36.5922, -116.7558

Nevada State Historic Marker Map

500 m

Nevada State Historic Marker Text

During 1906-’07 three railroads were built in this area. The Las Vegas and Tonopah built from Las Vegas through Beatty and Rhyolite to Goldfield. The Bullfrog Goldfield built south from Goldfield to Beatty and Rhyolite. The Tonopah and Tidewater built north from Ludlow, California to Gold Center and used the BG tracks from Gold Center to Beatty and Rhyolite until 1914.

Rancher M.M. Beatty drove the last spike here on April 18, 1907, marking the completion of the first and only north-south railroad system in the state. Rails were torn up at Beatty beginning on July 18, 1942.

Nevada State Historic Marker #165
