On March 27, 1882, The newspaper the Tombstone Epitaph announced the murder of Frank Stilwell in Tucson Arizona.
Frank Stilwell was an outlaw and a member of the Cochise County Cowboys, a group of rustlers and bandits who operated in southern Arizona during the late 19th century. Stilwell’s life took a fatal turn after he was implicated in the murder of Morgan Earp, the younger brother of lawman Wyatt Earp. On March 18, 1882, Morgan Earp was ambushed and killed in Tombstone, Arizona, while playing billiards. Wyatt Earp, seeking revenge for his brother’s murder, believed that Stilwell was one of the men responsible. Stilwell was known for his criminal activities, including cattle rustling, robbery, and involvement in various violent conflicts, which made him a prime target for Earp’s vendetta.
Just two days after Morgan’s death, Wyatt Earp and his posse tracked Stilwell to the train station in Tucson, Arizona, on March 20, 1882. Stilwell had been trying to flee, likely aware that Earp was on his trail. Earp and his men confronted Stilwell at the train station, and in a swift and brutal act of retribution, they shot and killed him. Stilwell’s body was found riddled with bullets, with some reports suggesting as many as five or six gunshots were fired into him at close range. This killing marked the beginning of Wyatt Earp’s infamous “Vendetta Ride,” a bloody campaign of vengeance against those he believed responsible for the death of his brother, further cementing Earp’s legend in the American West.
The following is a copy of the article from The Tombstone Epitaph, Mark 27, 1882 announcing the killing of Frank Stillwell.

Frank Stilwell Pound Dead this Morning,
Being Another Chanter In the Earp-Clanton Tragedy.
Special Dispatch to the Epitaph.
Tucson, March 21. This morning at daylight the track-man at the Southern Pacific railroad depot found the body of Frank Stilwell about one hundred yards north of Porter’s hotel, at the side, of the track, riddled with bullets.
The circumstances of the case, so far as learned, are as follows: Stilwell arrived here Sunday to appear before the grand jury on a charge of stage robbery near Bisbee last November. He was under bonds for his appearance. Last night when the west bound passenger train arrived, it brought the REMAINS OF MORGAN EARP, who had been killed Saturday night at Tombstone, and his three brothers, accompanied by Sherman McMasters, Doc Holliday and a man known as Johnson, all heavily armed with shotguns and revolvers. A few moments before the train started, Stilwell and lke Clanton (brother to W.M.-Clanton, who was killed in Tombstone by the Earps) went to the depot to meet a man by name of McDowell was to have come in witness before the grand jury. On their arrival at the depot they saw the Earp party walking on the platform. Stilwell advised Clanton to leave at once, saying they wanted to kill him. Clanton left a few moments later.
Stilwell was Seen WALKING DOWN THE TRACK in the direction where his body was found. Four of the armed men who were on the platform soon followed. One was described as a slender, light complexioned man wearing a white hat. Just as the train, was leaving, six shots wore heard in the locality of the assassination, but attracted no particular attention, and nothing was known of the tragedy until this morning whop the body was discovered. Six shots went into his body four rifle balls and two loads of buckshot.
Both legs were shot through and A CHARGE OP BUCKSHOT to his left thigh, and a charge through his breast, which must have been delivered close, as the coat was powder burnt, and six buckshot holes within a radius of three inches. Stilwell had a pistol on his person which was not discharged. He evidently was taken unawares, as he was desperate in a, fight and a quick shot. His watch was taken, in the hurry of which a part of the chain was left. There is much excitement here concerning the assassination, and many speculations are rife.
Some say that he was DECOYED TO THE SPOT where he fell as ho possessed strong evidence against certain stage robbers. Others think he was trying to get away from the Earp party and was overtaken, while it is thought by some that he went down the track to shoot one or more of the Earp party as the train was moving out, two of them being on board. The killing is thought to have been done by four of the party who accompanied the Earps here, as the four men who followed the deceased down the track WERE NOT SEEN AGAIN. This morning at one o’clock as the east bound freight train approached Papago, nine miles east of here, it was flagged and four armed men got on the train. They are strongly suspected.
The deceased was 27 years of age; was a native of Texas; is a brother to the famous scout Jack Stilwell. He has been in Arizona four years; was a teamster at Signal for some time and lately has been keeping a livery stable at Charleston and Bisbee, and was an ex deputy sheriff of Cochise county. Yesterday, Ike Clanton received several dispatches from Tombstone, warning him to look out that a party were coming down to put him out of the way, which put him on his GUARD. The authorities here are determined to get to the bottom of this matter, and if the parties are apprehended there will be no sham examination, but a trial on merits, and the guilty parties, whoever they may be, will suffer the penalty of the law.