Fairview Nevada – Churchill County Ghost Town

Founded in 1905, Fairview Nevada is a ghost town and silver mining camp located in Churchill County, near the town of Fallon, Nevada. The towns rapid growth can be attributed to investments by bankers George S Nixon and George Wingfield.

Fourth of July parade, Fairview, Nevada 1906. - Stanley W. Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, (1970), Howell North, p96, Ashley Cook Collection, Theron Fox Collection
Fourth of July parade, Fairview, Nevada 1906. – Stanley W. Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, (1970), Howell North, p96, Ashley Cook Collection, Theron Fox Collection

RUSH TO FAIRVIEW – At the present time there is quite a rush to Fairview, the new mining district recently discovered about thirty six miles from Fallon. Some very rich ore has been struck in the new district and many miners and prospectors are rushing to the scene of the discovery to locate claims.

Reno Evening Gazette 1906 February 14

At first the mining camp was rather transient, moving moving its location twice and changing its name from Fairview Peak. The first move was located the town closer to its mining operations. The second move was relocate outside of the narrow canyon to make room as the town continued to grow.

Fairview, Nevada prospectors examining mine, early 1900s - Stanley W. Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, (1970), Howell North, p 99,Theron Fox Collection
Fairview, Nevada prospectors examining mine, early 1900s – Stanley W. Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, (1970), Howell North, p 99,Theron Fox Collection

1907 saw rapid growth and expansion as promotors sold the town. Freight brought in to town from the rail status at Hazen clogged the roads. Very early on in 1907, the little community of Fairvew boasted 27 saloons, assay offices, a news paper, banks and hotels. Town plots were for $100 per frontage foot and every commodity was marked up and expensive.

Fairview mine visitors, c 1906 - Stanley W. Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, (1970), Howell North, p 99, Theron Fox Collection
Fairview mine visitors, c 1906 – Stanley W. Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, (1970), Howell North, p 99, Theron Fox Collection

Plans for a rail connection were soon made in later in 1907. The state approved the legislation, however nothing ever came of it.

The year of 1908 introduced some sobriety into the minds of this camp. Many citizens were lured away by the gold booms of nearby towns. Mineral production plummeted to 12% from the previous year. For the next three years, only high grade ore was shipped to the smelters. Production continued to be profitable for the Nevada Hills Mining Company until 1917.

Nevada Hills Gold Mine, Fairview, Nevada
Nevada Hills Gold Mine, Fairview, Nevada

Town Summary

LocationChurchill County, Nevada
Latitude, Longitude39.266389, -118.1975
Elevation4679 Feet
News PaperThe News
Post Office April 1906 – May 1919
NPS Pony Express Station154
Next Westbound StationMountain Well Station
Next Eastbound StationFort Churchill Station

Fairview Nevada Trail Map


Jackrabbit Nevada – Lincoln County Ghost Town

Jackrabbit Nevada is a ghost town and silver mining camp located in Lincoln County Nevada. Local legend attributes the discovery to the locator picking up a rock to throw at a jackrabbit and finding himself holding high grade silver.

Jackrabbit Nevada - (Theron Fox Photo) Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps
Jackrabbit Nevada – (Theron Fox Photo) Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps

The Jackrabbit District, named for the mine, was located in 1876 by Isaac Newton Garrison. Early mine production of the camp, at one time named Royal City, was about ten tons per day, carrying native silver in flakes, yielding about $40 per ton – sometimes as high as $2000 per ton.

Soon after the initial discover, the camp was home to several general stores, boarding houses, saloons, restaurants and a blacksmith shop. It was also the last whiskey stop for the south bound stage into Pioche.

The Day and Jackrabbit mines produce ore, which was hauled to the mills in Bristol. Mineral production declined during the 1880’s, but when a fifteen-mile narrow gauge railroad known as the “Jackrabbit Road” was opened in 1891 between the Jackrabbit mine and Pioche which increase the mining production.

After 1893 the mines fell silent except for several short periods of activity in 1906-07 and 1912-14

Nevada State Historic Marker

Local legend attributes the discovery to the locator picking up a rock to throw at a jackrabbit and finding himself holding high grade silver. Located on the eastern slope of the Bristol Mountains, the Jack Rabbit District, named for the mine, was located in 1876 by Isaac Newton Garrison. Within months the camp, at one time named Royal City, had a store, saloon, boarding house and restaurant. Early mine production was about ten tons per day, carrying native silver in flakes, yielding about $40 per ton — sometimes as high as $2000 per ton. Total production of the District is estimated at about $2,000,000 to $6,000,000. Mine production declined during the 1880’s, but when a fifteen-mile narrow gauge railroad was opened in 1891 between the Jackrabbit mine and Pioche, mineral production soon increased. After 1893 the mines fell silent except for several short periods of activity in 1906-07 and 1912-14.

Nevada State Historic Marker

Town Summary

NameJack Rabbit
LocationLincoln County, Nevada
Latitude, Longitude38.094009, -114.595399
Nevada State Historic Marker204
Post OfficeOctober 15, 1878 – January 26, 1879 – (Royal City)


The ghost town of Jackrabbit Nevada is about 14 miles north of Pioche and one mile west of the US 93.

Jackrabbit Trail Map


Bullionville Nevada – Lincoln County Ghost Town

Bullionville Nevada began early in 1870 when John H. Ely and W.H. Raymond removed their five-stamp mill at Hiko and placed it at this point. The enterprise prospered and during the next two years most of nearby Pioche’s mills were located here because of the proximity to water.

Bullionville, Nevada, Horse-driven slip scrapers retrieve tailings to dump onto a conveyor and then dropped into a freight car. Before 1880
Bullionville, Nevada, Horse-driven slip scrapers retrieve tailings to dump onto a conveyor and then dropped into a freight car. Before 1880

A twenty-one mile narrow gauge railroad, the Pioche and Bullionville, was completed in 1873 at a cost of $255,000 to haul ore from the Pioche mines to the reduction mills. Bullionville grew rapidly and by 1875 it had five mills, a population of 500 and the first iron foundry in eastern Nevada. The small town had the typical saloons, hotels and shops required to support mining operations as well as the needs of the minters.

During the same year a water works was constructed at Pioche which eventually led to the relocation of the mills.

Although a plant was erected here in 1880 to work the tailings deposited by the former mills, this failed to prevent the decline of Bullionville.


Buillionville is located about 10 miles south of Pioche, near the intersection of the 319 and 93, Great Basin Highway. The Bullionville cemetary is located after a short hike in the Cathedral Gorge State Park.

Town Summary

Latitude, Longitude37.803333, -114.406944
Post OfficeApril 1874 – November 1886
October 1892 – July 1898
Nevada State Historic Marker203

Nevada State Historic Marker

Bullionville began early in 1870 when John H. Ely and W.H. Raymond removed their five-stamp mill at Hiko and placed it at this point. The enterprise prospered and during the next two years most of nearby Pioche’s mills were located here because of the proximity to water. A twenty-one mile narrow gauge railroad, the Pioche and Bullionville, was completed in 1873 at a cost of $255,000 to haul ore from the Pioche mines to the reduction mills. Bullionville grew rapidly and by 1875 it had five mills, a population of 500 and the first iron foundry in eastern Nevada. During the same year a water works was constructed at Pioche which eventually led to the relocation of the mills. Although a plant was erected here in 1880 to work the tailings deposited by the former mills, this failed to prevent the decline of Bullionville.

Nevada State Historic Marker

Bullionville Trail Map


Wonder Nevada – Churchill County Ghost Town

Wonder Nevada is a ghost town and mining camp, which is located about 14 miles north of the US 50, in Churchill County, Nevada. In May of 1906, prospectors discovered veins of rich quarts in a wash just north of the Chalf Mountains. News of the discovery spread like wild fire and by June 1, 1906 with town of Wonder was founded by hundred of people seeking opportunity.

The Wonder mining camp, Nevada 1907.
The Wonder mining camp, Nevada 1907.

Tents and buildings are soon constructed to house and service the influx of people. The Wonder Mining News was soon sold by news boys in the fledgling town promoting the town to further heights. Drug stores, saloons, hotels, assay offices, cafes, sporting houses and boarding houses were soon constructed on business lots which could costs up to $8000 to purchase. A stage line pulled by a 6 horse team ferried passengers to Fallon and Fairview.

Small shops sold mining equipment and real estate while industrious pioneers setup food counters and sold beans, eggs, jerky, ham and canned goods. The town of Wonder also could boast a telephone system and electrical supply.

Wonder Mine 1907 - Stanley W. Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, (1970) p 100
Wonder Mine 1907 – Stanley W. Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, (1970) p 100

Investment Capital from the east poured into the fledgling town which included many start up mining operations. The formation of the Nevada Wonder Mining Company and its subsequent sale to investors formalized the development of the mining operations. By 1913, the Wonder Mining Company constructed a mill to process the ore immediately below the mine.

Lowest level of Wonder mine, 1907 - - Stanley W. Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps,  p 100
Lowest level of Wonder mine, 1907 – Stanley W. Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, p 100

Despite heavy investment and a flurry of activity, mining operations ceased in 1919 and by August of 1920, the post office closed. Small lease operations did continue for a short while.

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Logan City Nevada – Lincoln County Ghost Town

Logan City Nevada, also known as Logan City, Logan Springs and Logans Springs, is a silver mining camp and ghost town located 12 miles north of Crystal Springs in Lincoln County, Nevada. The townsite was situated in Pahranagat District and can be easily identified by a cliffside of volcanic ash.

Water Rhyolites near Logan Springs, Nevada - NARA
Water Rhyolites near Logan Springs, Nevada – NARA

In 1865 rumors of a mountain of silver near the Colorado River prompted prospectors to venture out seeking their fortune. When this endeavor proved fruitless, the prospectors start the journey north towards Austin. On the return trip north and Indian quidded the part up the eastern slope of Mount Irish were a ledge of silver ore is discovered.

Buoyed by the discovery, the prospectors returned to Panaca to reprovision the expedition in Marth 1865. After returning, in June prospecting and exploration of the area was in full swing. This exploit is short lived, when the prospectors are chased from the land by the Native Americans in the area.

The fall of the same year, a permanent camp is founded in a pass south of of the mining claims. Soon over 100 miners arrived in the little hamlet, including William Raymond of Pioche. Building are constructed from the materials available, which is mainly stone. Water is provided by a small spring located nearby known as Logan Springs. The Pahranagat mining district soon had over 1000 claims to its name.

The population swelled to over 300 people in 1866 and by 1867 a post office is build. The ore was shipped east to a newly built mill located in Hiko, or two miles west to the mill in Crescent.

Interest in the mining district dried up in the following year of 1867 when it was discovered the ore veins lacked the depth for long term operations. The mining district of Pahranagat decline and closed by 1869. The miners of the little Logan City moved on to greener pastures, known as Pioche.

Town Summary

TownLogan City
LocationLincoln County, Nevada
Latitude, Longitude37.609722, -115.392778
Post OfficeJuly 1867 – August 1871

Logan City Trail Map
