Carson City Station – Pony Express Station

Carson City Station was a pony express station located between on Carson Street between Forth and Fifth Street in Carson City, Nevada. Founded in 1858, Carson City was was named for frontiersman, Kit Carson. The town operated as a social and supply center for the nearby mining settlements of the Comstock Lode in the mid-1800’s. In 1864 it was designated the state capital. The station is designated as a home station, where extra horses, firearms, men and provision are kept.

King Street, General View, 1880, Carson City, Carson City, NV
King Street, General View, 1880, Carson City, Carson City, NV

In 1860. the town only had one street, which is lined with a double row of saloons, a few assay offices, a general store, and the hotel. The pony express station operated out of a hotel that located between 4th and 5th Streets, near the original Ormsby House.

Pony Express

Sources generally agree on the identity of Carson City as a pony express stop. Little information is available about the Carson City Station site, which was located on what is now Carson Street between Fourth and Fifth. Bolivar Roberts, division superintendent, used site as a base in March 1860 to hire riders and station keepers. Since he worked as part of a team to build or acquire other stations along the route, Roberts also probably helped established the location.

Carson City, Nevada - 1880
Carson City, Nevada – 1880

NameCarson City Station
LocationCarson City, Nevada
Latitude, Longitude
NPS Statopm Number164
Next Westbound StationGenoa
Next Eastbound StationDayton Station


Genoa Station – Pony Express

Originally part of the Utah Territory, Genoa is a former Pony Express Station and unincorporated community in Douglas County, Nevada. The settlement was first founded in 1850 by Mormon Settlers when they founded the Mormon Station as a trading post for travelers bound for California. The original trading post operates in a roofless log enclosure built by H.S. Beatie and other Mormon settlers.

Simpson expedition, Genoa, Nevada, 1859
Simpson expedition, Genoa, Nevada, 1859

Travelers along the Carson Route to California could purchase supplies such clothing, tobacco, meat, canned goods, coffee, beans, sugar, flour and bacon. In 1852, the settlement hosts heavy emigrant traffic and a supports a post office, sawmills and blacksmith.

Pony Express

Most historical sources agree on the identity of Genoa as a station as well. However, James Pierson also identifies the site as the Old Mormon Station. The old post office also served as the station, which seems rather on point. The livery stable across the street supplied riders with fresh horses.

Much of Genoa, including the original fort, station, and hotel, was destroyed in a fire in 1910, but a replica of the fort was built in 1947. In 1976 the post office site was a vacant lot, and a picnic area occupied the livery stable location.

Nevada's first permanent building, Genoa trading post, established 1850
Nevada’s first permanent building, Genoa trading post, established 1850


Genoa is home to the oldest bar in the state of Nevada, which opened in 1853

Genoa Station Summary

NameGenoa Station
LocationDouglas County, Nevada
Latitude, Longitude39.0044, -119.8472
Other NamesMormon Station
Post Office1852 –
NewspaperTerritorial Enterprise (1858 – 1860)
NPS Station Number165
Next Westbound StationVan Sickle’s Station
Nest Eastbound StationCarson City Station


Van Sickle’s Station – Pony Express

The Van Sickle’s Station is the second Pony Express Station encountered when traveling east from Friday’s Station at the California/Nevada State Line. The Van Sickle Station is located at the bottom of Old Kingsbury Grade in Carson Valley.

Van Sickle's Station 1870
Van Sickle’s Station 1870

In 1857, rancher Henry Van Sickle built a two-story hotel to server traveler’s on their way to California. The building contained with a bar, kitchen and a store. The location is well suited as a rest stop before the climb over the high Sierra Nevada. The location served as a Pony Express in 1860, where the riders could stop to change horses. The National Park Service does not list this station on their website, so it’s active participation in the Pony Express could be in doubt. The National Pony Express Associate does list this location as a station for the pony express. This station may be on some lists as the riders would travel near the location, and it could serve as a navigation point.

Henry Van Sickle killed the outlaw and murderer Sam Brown on July 6th, 1860. Van Sickle is fully exonerated on July 8th, 1860, when the coroners jury found “Death by a just dispensation of an all-wise providence at his own expense”.

Over time, the hotel fell into disrepair and was eventually torn down in 1909.  Today, much of the history surrounding this property has been preserved in the current residence which was re-constructed in 1944 from the still standing stone store, warehouse, bar and blacksmith buildings of the original station, using the original hand-hewn beams and stone from the old quarry

Van Sickle’s Station Trail Map

Location Summary

NameVan Sickle’s Station
LocationDouglas County, Nevada
Latitude, Longitude38.9415, -119.8382
Next Westbound Station Friday’s Station
Next Eastbound StationGenoa Station


Friday’s Station – Pony Express

Friday’s Station is Union Army Military Post and Pony Express Station located near Lake Tahoe, in Douglas County, Nevada. The two story building is originally built as an inn and pony express station in 1860. The station is designated as a home station, where extra horses, firearms, men and provision are kept.

Friday's Station was a Pony Express station at Lake Tahoe - (Nevada Historical Society
Friday’s Station was a Pony Express station at Lake Tahoe – (Nevada Historical Society

Originally, the buildings are intended for the Union Army in the District of California. The location is chosen for the pony express due to its proximety to Lake Tahoe and the state line. Becuase of its location, the station is refered to as the “Lakeside Station” by some. In April, 1860, Robert (Pony Bob) Haslam made the first ride and shipment of mail from Sacramento at Friday’s Station and made his first run to Buckland’s Station, a distance of seventy five miles to the east.

Friday's Station with five freight teams and a prairie schooner arriving.
Friday’s Station with five freight teams and a prairie schooner arriving.

After the pony express failed, the property operated as a resort known as the “Buttermilk Bonanza Ranch.” Today, the original buildings still state and recognized as California Historical Landmark #728 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Location Map

Location Summary

NameFriday’s Station
LocationDouglas County, Nevada
Other NamesLakeside Station
Park Cattle Company Residence
Buttermilk Bonanza Ranch
Latitude, Longitude38.9639,  -119.9347
Elevation6,324 feet
California Historical Landmark728
National Register of Historic Places86003259
NPS Station Number166
Next Westbound Station
Next Eastbound StationVan Sickle’s Station


Timothy H. O’Sullivan – Photographer

CDV of Timothy H. O'Sullivan with imprint of F.G. Ludlow, Carson City, Nevada Territory on verso. Taken between 1871–74 while O'Sullivan was the official photographer for the Wheeler Expedition.
CDV of Timothy H. O’Sullivan with imprint of F.G. Ludlow, Carson City, Nevada Territory on verso. Taken between 1871–74 while O’Sullivan was the official photographer for the Wheeler Expedition.

Timothy H. O’Sullivan (c. 1840 – January 14, 1882) was a photographer best known for of the Civil War and the western United States. O’Sullivan began his photography career as an apprentice in Mathew Brady’s Fulton Street gallery in New York City. He moved on to the Washington, D.C., branch managed by Alexander Gardner. In 1861. At the age of twenty-one, O’Sullivan joined Brady’s team of Civil War photographers.

Little is known about his early life. He was either born in Ireland or New Work City. As a teenager, Timothy was employed by Matthew Brady where he learn the newly invented craft of photography. When the Civil War broke out, he is commission as a first lieutenant in the Union Army, in 1861.

After the was, in 1867, Timothy H. O’Sullivan is hired by Clarence King to accompany the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel as a photographer. O’Sullivan was with the Survey for the seasons of 1867, 1868, 1869 and 1872.

During these expeditions, he is known to carry two or possibly three camera outfits which include a 9″x12″ and 8″x1O” plates and for stereoscopic views. He developed the plates in the field, as was necessary with the wet plate process, and worked in either a photographic tent or a mule-drawn ambulance wagon. The negatives were usually sent back to the Survey offices in Washington D.C. where they are printed.

In 1871, O’Sullivan join the geological surveys west of the one hundredth meridian, under the command of Lieutenant George M. Wheeler of the U.S. Corps of Engineers. Wheeler would caption O’Sullivan’s photographs with practical information useful in the later establishment of roads and rail routes and emphasized the west’s suitability for settlement.

In 1873, on another Wheeler expedition, O’Sullivan photographed the Zuni and Magia pueblos and the Canyon de Chelly and its remnants of a cliff-dwelling culture. He returned to Washington, D.C., in 1874 and made prints for the Army Corps of Engineers. Soon after being made chief photographer for the United States Treasury in 1880, O’Sullivan died of tuberculosis at age forty-one.

Sand dunes, 1867, Carson Desert Western Nevada RG 77 Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1789-1988 Photographic Album of the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel – The King Survey, 1867-1872 ARC ID 519530 77KS-3-160

Timothy H. O’Sullivan Portfolio

Gold Hill, Nevada Circa 1867, 1868 Photographer Timothy H. O'Sullivan
Gold Hill, Nevada Circa 1867, 1868 Photographer Timothy H. O’Sullivan
