Silver Peak Nevada

Silver Peak Nevada is an unincorporated town located along State Route 265, 20 miles south of U.S. Route 6 and 30 miles west of Goldfield, in Esmeralda County, Nevada.

Silver Peak, Nevada
Silver Peak, Nevada

Silver Peak is a small unincorporated community located in the southwestern part of Nevada, in Esmeralda County. The town was founded in the late 1800s, during the height of the silver mining boom in Nevada.

Silver Peak’s history is tied to the mining industry, as it was initially established as a mining camp. In 1863, prospectors discovered silver in the area, and soon after, the town began to grow. The silver deposits were located in the Silver Peak Range, and the area quickly became known for its rich ore deposits.


Photograph of Silver Peak, Nevada; Title taken from image; postcard - University of Nevada, Reno
Photograph of Silver Peak, Nevada; Title taken from image; postcard – University of Nevada, Reno

The town’s name comes from the nearby Silver Peak Mountain, which was named for the silver deposits found in the area. In the early days of the town, mining was the main industry, and the population grew rapidly as people came to work in the mines.

The town’s fortunes rose and fell with the fortunes of the mining industry. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the town experienced a boom as new silver deposits were discovered. During this time, the town had a population of over 2,000 people and boasted a variety of businesses, including saloons, stores, and hotels. In 1939, boxer Max Baer defeated “Big Ed” Murphy of Silver Peak in a one round fight at Silver Peak.

However, as the silver deposits began to run out, the town’s population began to decline. By the mid-1900s, the town had become a ghost town, with only a few people remaining. In the 1950s, a new industry emerged in Silver Peak – lithium mining. Lithium is a valuable mineral used in batteries, and Silver Peak had large deposits of it. The town experienced a small revival as a result, and a new processing plant was built to extract the lithium from the ore.

Today, Silver Peak is still a small town, with a population of around 100 people. The lithium mining industry is still the main industry in the area, and the town remains an important hub for the industry. Silver Peak’s history is one of boom and bust, tied closely to the fortunes of the mining industry. While the town has had its ups and downs, it has managed to survive for over a century and remains an important part of Nevada’s mining history.

Nevada State Historic Marker 155

Nevada State Historic Marker 155 -Silver Peak Nevada, Esmeralda County.  Photo by James L Rathbun
Nevada State Historic Marker 155 -Silver Peak Nevada, Esmeralda County. Photo by James L Rathbun

Discovered 1863

Silver Peak is one of the oldest mining areas in Nevada. A 10 stamp mill was built in 1865 and by 1867 a 20 stamp mill was built. Mining camp lawlessness prevailed during the late sixties, and over the next 38 years, Silver Peak had its ups and downs. In 1906 the Pittsburg Silver Peak Gold Mining Company bought a group of properties, constructed the Silver Peak Railroad and built a 100 stamp mill at Blair the following year.

The town, at times, was one of the leading camps in Nevada, but by 1917 it had all but disappeared. The town burned in 1948 and little happened until the Foote Mineral Company began its extraction of lithium from under the floor of Clayton Valley.

Silver Peak Map

Town Summary

NameSilver Peak, Nevada
LocationEsmeralda County, Nevada
Latitude, Longitude37.755, -117.635
Elevation1317 meters / 4321 feet
Current Population@100


Nevada’s Southern Boundary 1861-1867

Old Boundary (Nevada’s Southern Boundary 1861-1867) is Nevada State Historical Marker number fifty eight located in the Nye County, Nevada. The marker is located about 6 miles north of Beatty along highway 95. Beatty, Nevada was an old mining town and served as ta border town for old Nevada. The boomtown was provided passengers, frieght and mail service by three railroads, Tonopah and Tidewater Road, Las Vegas and Tonopah Railroad and the Bullfrog and Goldfield.

Nevada's Southern Silver Peak Nevada, Esmeralda County. Photo by James L Rathbun
Nevada’s Southern Boundary 1861-1867 Historic Marker is located about 6 miles north of Beatty, Nevada. – Photo by James L Rathbun

In 1867, the Nevada Legislature approved the action of Congress to add that portion of the Territory of Arizona which lay to the south of this line, west of the 114 degree west longitude and the Colorado River, and to the east of the boundary of California. This action, taken on January 18, 1867, gave to the State of Nevada the permanent boundaries as they are today.

Nevada State Historical Markers identify significant places of interest in Nevada’s history. The Nevada State Legislature started the program in 1967 to bring the state’s heritage to the public’s attention with on-site markers. Budget cuts to the program caused the program to become dormant in 2009. Many of the markers are lost of damaged.

Nevada State Historic Marker Text

The 37th degree north latitude is marked at this point as the dividing line between the Territories of Utah and New Mexico under the provisions of the Compromise of 1850 which originally organized the land ceded by Mexico in 1848.

When the Territory of Nevada was carved from western Utah in 1861, this line became the southern boundary of the new territory and continued to serve as such when the Territory and State were enlarged by extensions to the east in 1862 and 1866 respectively.

In 1867, the Nevada Legislature approved the action of Congress to add that portion of the Territory of Arizona which lay to the south of this line, west of the 114 degree west longitude and the Colorado River, and to the east of the boundary of California. This action, taken on January 18, 1867, gave to the State of Nevada the permanent boundaries as they are today.



Nevada State Historic Marker58
NameOld Boundary (Nevada’s Southern Boundary 1861-1867)
LocationNye County
Latitude, Longitude36.9832, -116.7246


Lucy Grey Goldmine

The Lucy Grey Goldmine trail is a short 4×4 trip out of Primm, Nevada up to an old mine site.  The route is fairly accessible and almost any SUV or 4×4, but the route finding can be tricky is you are not careful.  A slight mistake in navigation and you will be in some rough country.  To find the trail head, exit and head past the outlet stores and the Lotto Store. The trail head is the dirt road where the paved road turns left.

Lucy Grey gold mine - An old truck marks the trail up to the mine. Built rigs might be able to make it, but I choose to hike. Photo by James L Rathbun
Lucy Grey gold mine – An old truck marks the trail up to the mine. Built rigs might be able to make it, but I choose to hike. Photo by James L Rathbun

The trail heads straight out into the desert. When you reach the railroad tracks, turn right and follow the road next to tracks until you reach a railroad signal station. There is a pass through under the train track and a nice little sign which reads Lucy Grey to let you know you are on your way.

From the railroad signal station the trail heads up an alluvial fan into the hills. Once you reach the gully and head into the hills, the trail becomes hard to follow, so pay attention to GPS coordinates, or your map. The trek is mostly easy with one or two small sections that will require you to pay a little more attention. The most difficult part of this trail is the route finding up to the mine and town site.

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Rhyolite Train Depot

The town of Rhyolite boasted three train services using the Rhyolite Train Depot which is completed in June, 1908. The depot services the Las Vegas & Tonopah, the Tonopah & Tidewater and the Bullfrog-Goldfield train services. The Las Vegas & Tonopah Railroad started its push to Rhyolite by laying one mile of track per day. Later, the railroad redoubled its efforts and pushed two miles per day its its bid to connect the booming two of Rhyolite with the outside world.

Rhyolite Train Depot is located at the north end of town in Rhyolite, Nye County, Nevada.  - Photo by James L Rathbun
Rhyolite Train Depot is located at the north end of town in Rhyolite, Nye County, Nevada. – Photo by James L Rathbun

The first train entered Rhyolite at 7:00 pm on December 14th, 1906 bringing another 100 people into the town. Train service to the booming mining town was a big deal. The fact that Rhyolite could lure three train services all but ensured the future of the largest mining town in the state.

In 1907, the Las Vegas & Tidewater line alone hauled 50 freight cars per day into Rhyolite. This volume required a large depot to handle the load. In September 1907, the construction of the depot started by the Las Vegas & Tidewater Railroad. The Mission Revival styled building in constructed with concrete blocks built upon a solid concrete foundation. A gentlemen’s waiting area is located in the east end and a separate ladies waiting room is located in the west end. The ticket office is located in the center of the building and the ticket agents office is located on the second floor.

The train depot takes up an entire city block on Golden Street. The cost on construction was $130,000, or about $3.8 million in 2021.

The train depot in Rhyolite is complete in June 1908. The timing of the complete is ironic in that it coincided with the beginning on the decline of Rhyolite. Within months of completion of the depot, more people were leaving town using the station than arriving. In the first year of operation, the railroad generated a small profit. Between 1909 and 1919 the railroads lost money each year. By 1919, the railroads cut their losses and salvaged the tracks for other projects.

Rhyolite Ghost Casino

The 1920’s offered a brief revival to the town on Rhyolite. Wes Moreland purchase the train depot in 1935 and opened the Rhyolite Ghost Casino in 1937. Drinking and gambling are available on the first floor. The second floor operates as a brothel. The star of World Ware 2 halts the brief rebirth of Rhyolite. The fuel rationing almost completely drained the economy in the area.

In the 1960’s Moreland sister inherited the train depot. Mrs. Herschel Heiser operated a museum and gift shop out of the old station.

At the time it was built, the train depit is claimed to be “The finest in the state.” Today, the train station is one of the best preserved.

Rhyolite Trail Depot Map

Rhyolite Train Depot Marker Text

In keeping with its prominence as a mining center, Rhyolite was serviced by three railroads: the Las Vegas & Tonopah, the Tonopah & Tidewater, and the Bullfrog-Goldfield.

The Las Vegas & Tonopah Railroad laid one mile of track per day, then two miles of track per day, in its hurry to connect Rhyolite with the outside world. The first train from the Las Vegas & Tonopah entered Rhyolite at 7 p.m. on December 14, 1906, with about 100 passengers.

It was a big deal for a young mining town to be serviced by one railroad, but three railroads were almost unheard of in the history of Nevada. With three railroads, it seemed that Rhyolite was destined to be the largest mining camp in the state and the first few boom years made this prediction look inevitable.

By 1907, the Las Vegas & Tonopah alone was hauling 50 freight cars into town per day. The large volume of freight required a large depot to handle it.

In September 1907, the Las Vegas & Tonopah began building the depot that stands before you. It is constructed of concrete block with a solid concrete foundation in the Mission Revival style. There was a gentlemen’s waiting area on the east end and a ladies’ waiting room on the west end. A separate baggage room was located east of the men’s waiting area. The ticket office was located in the center of the building, and the ticket agent’s quarters were located upstairs.

It was planned to take an entire city block on Golden Street and cost approximately $130,000 – the equivalent of $3,798,393 in 2021.

The Las Vegas & Tonopah Railroad Depot was completed in June 1908, around the same time that Rhyolite began its slow decline. Within months of its completion, more people were leaving Rhyolite through the depot than were arriving.
The railroad turned a small profit in 1908 but lost money every following year until it was finally dismantled in 1919. The tracks were salvaged, but the depot was left to stand as one of the few remaining buildings from the Rhyolite boom, primarily because it could not be moved elsewhere.

In the 1920s, Rhyolite enjoyed a small revival through tourism. Wes Moreland bought the depot in 1935 and, beginning in 1937, operated it as the Rhyolite Ghost Casino. The drinking and gaming were conducted downstairs, while a different type of hospitality, reportedly staffed by “working women,” was conducted upstairs in the old ticket agent’s quarters.

Like the town before it, the casino had a relatively short life. The onset of World War II, and the associated  Rhyolite Train Depot Markerwar effort, including fuel rationing, completely drained the area’s economy.
By the 1960s, the building had passed to Moreland’s sister, Mrs. Herschel Heisler, who operated the lower floor as a museum and gift shop for tourists.

Since the 1930s, the depot has passed from person to person, eventually ending up with the Barrick Mining Company.
In October 2000, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) acquired the depot, along with most of the Rhyolite Townsite, from the mining company in a land swap.

At some time before the swap, a group of local citizens replaced the historic depot roof with modern composite shingles. Although not historically accurate, the shingles have helped preserve the building in the relatively good condition that you see today.

At the time the depot was built, the local newspaper claimed it was “the finest in the state.” Today, it is one of the best-preserved examples of early twentieth-century Mission Revival train depots in Nevada.

The BLM’s Tonopah Field Office is working to restore this historic building. If you would like to donate to the restoration, a secure donation box is located to your right. All donations will be used in Rhyolite.

Please help us keep the depot in its current condition. Report acts of vandalism to the Tonopah Field Office at (775) 482-7800.

St Thomas Nevada – Clark County Ghost Town

Founded in 1865 when Brigham Young sent settles to the confluence of the Virgin River and Muddy Rivers.  St Thomas Nevada remained a Mormon settlement until 1871 when a surveying correction placed the town in Nevada.   When the Mormons abandoned the area, other settlers claimed the property.  St Thomas used to served as a pit stop for travelers between Los Angeles, California and Salt Lake City, Utah using along the old Arrow Highway (US 91).

St Thomas Ghost Town is accessible with lower water levels in Lake Mead, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada
St Thomas Ghost Town is accessible with lower water levels in Lake Mead, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada

The United States Federal Government “purchased” the land as part of the Hoover Dam project.  In actuality, there were multiple suits as the residents of St. Thomas raise complaints about the amount the federal government was paying for their land.  In time, the residence lost and the entire town was doomed to its destiny and the water of Lake Mead continued to rise.

St Thomas Trail head
St Thomas Trail head

The last known resident as Hugh Lord, who remained until the water surrounded his home.  He loaded is possessions into a row boat, set fire to his home, and rowed off into history.  Soon the rising water of Lake Mead swallowed the entire down, and wasted the landscape with water 60 feet deep.  From time to time, the lake level will drop low enough to expose this lost town.

The town is currently exposed, and lies in the lake bed surrounded by a large expanse of tamarisk.  The dirt road to the trail-head is located just inside the entrance to Lake Mead National Recreation Area when coming from Moapa and Overton and the trail is beyond simple and suitable for almost every vehicle.

Fresh Water Clam shells litter the area
Fresh Water Clam shells litter the area

The 2.5 miles hiking trail is very easy and takes you from the trail-head and loops through the town.  The trail would be a bit more difficult if you attempt the trail during the hot summer months.  Remains of the town are limited to foundations, some old wood fence posts and some metal artifacts such as farming equipment and a V-8 small block.  The park service appears to cut the tamarisk back to expose the foundations for visitors, however the cut off tamarisk trucks can be a tripping hazard and would be harsh it you fell on one, so keep in eye on where you step.

A building foundation in St. Thomas, Nevada
A building foundation in St. Thomas

I have been to many ghost towns over the years.  Many of them lost in history due to mines failing to produce, fire, hard environments and disease.  St Thomas is different from all the others.  This is a ghost town by design, by protest and there is no better reminder than the fresh water clam shells which litter the site.  The fact that there are viable towns (Moapa and Overton) just a few miles away make St Thomas all the more poignant.

The tallest building remains of St. Thomas,
The tallest building remains of St. Thomas

St Thomas Trail Map