Creek Dogwood (Cornus sericea)

Cornus sericea, commonly known as Redosier Dogwood, Red Twig Dogwood, or American Dogwood, is a deciduous shrub native to North America. It belongs to the family Cornaceae and is known for its striking red stems, especially visible in the winter, which provide ornamental value. This report explores the botanical characteristics, habitat, ecological significance, and uses of Cornus sericea.

Creek Dogwood (Cornus sericea)
Creek Dogwood (Cornus sericea)

Botanical Characteristics


  • Stems and Bark – The most distinctive feature of Cornus sericea is its bright red stems, which are particularly vibrant in young twigs. The bark is smooth and can be greenish-red in younger branches, turning grayish-brown with age.
  • Leaves – The leaves are opposite, simple, and ovate to lanceolate, with a length of 5-12 cm. They have a smooth margin and are characterized by prominent venation. In the fall, the leaves turn a variety of colors including red, purple, and orange.
  • Flowers – The flowers are small, creamy-white, and arranged in flat-topped clusters called cymes. Each flower has four petals and blooms from late spring to early summer.
  • Fruit – The fruit is a small, white to bluish-white drupe, typically maturing in late summer. These drupes are an important food source for various bird species.

Growth and Reproduction

Cornus sericea can grow up to 1.5-4 meters in height and spreads through both seeds and vegetative means. It readily forms thickets by sending up new shoots from its root system. The plant prefers moist, well-drained soils but can tolerate a range of soil types including wet, clay soils.

Habitat and Distribution

Geographic Range

Cornus sericea is widespread across North America, from Alaska and Newfoundland south to New Mexico and Virginia. It thrives in a variety of habitats including wetlands, stream banks, and forest edges.

Environmental Preferences

This shrub prefers full sun to partial shade and thrives in moist, well-drained soils. It is often found in riparian zones, wetlands, and along the edges of lakes and rivers. Cornus sericea is adaptable to different soil types, including clay and sandy soils, and can tolerate seasonal flooding.

Ecological Significance

Wildlife Habitat

  • Birds – The berries of Cornus sericea are a crucial food source for many bird species, including American robins, cedar waxwings, and woodpeckers. The dense thickets provide excellent cover and nesting sites for birds.
  • Mammals – Small mammals, such as rabbits and beavers, feed on the bark and stems. The plant’s dense growth offers shelter for various small animals.

    Erosion Control

    Due to its extensive root system, Cornus sericea is effective in stabilizing soil and preventing erosion, especially along riverbanks and slopes. It is often used in riparian restoration projects for this reason.


    Ornamental Use

    Cornus sericea is widely planted as an ornamental shrub for its vibrant red stems, which provide winter interest in gardens and landscapes. It is also used in hedges, windbreaks, and as a natural screen.

    Traditional and Medicinal Uses

    Indigenous peoples of North America have historically used Cornus sericea for various purposes. The bark and stems were used in basket weaving, and the plant had medicinal applications, such as treating colds, fevers, and diarrhea.

    Conservation and Restoration

    Due to its ability to thrive in wet environments and stabilize soil, Cornus sericea is utilized in wetland restoration and conservation projects. It helps in maintaining biodiversity and improving water quality by filtering runoff.


    Cornus sericea is a versatile and ecologically significant plant with wide-ranging benefits for wildlife, soil stabilization, and ornamental use. Its adaptability to different environments and its role in supporting biodiversity make it an important species in North American flora. Conservation and utilization of this shrub can contribute to sustainable environmental management and restoration efforts.

    This report provides a comprehensive overview of Cornus sericea, highlighting its importance in various ecological and practical contexts. Further research and conservation efforts can enhance our understanding and utilization of this valuable plant species.


    Common Fiddleneck ( Amsinckia intermedia )

    The Common Fiddleneck ( Amsinckia intermedia ) is a wildflower common across the United States and a member of the forget-me-not-family. Also known as the Intermediate Fiddleneck, the name is derived from the flower stems which are formed in the appearance of a violin or fiddle.

    Common Fiddleneck ( Amsinckia intermedia var. intermedia )
    Common Fiddleneck ( Amsinckia intermedia var. intermedia )
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    Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja miniata)

    The Giant Red Indian Paintbrush or Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja miniata) is a wildflower and perennial which is quite common in the western United States, including California, Nevada and Utah. The genus Castilleja contains about 200 species of hemiparasitic wildlowers.

    Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja miniata)
    Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja miniata)

    The plant is known to grow between 1.5 and 3 feet tall and their stems may be unbranded of semi-branched. The flower cluster of the plant is said to resemble a paintbrush which gives the plant its common name. The bracts beneath the flower are known to be brightly colored and may be a bright orange, pink or a crimson red. Typically the paint brush will bloom May through Sepetember, however this event is subject to environmental conditions such as altitude and water availability.

    The paint brush generally prefers sunlight and moist well drained soils. The root system will connect with and grow into the root system of other planets to harvest nutrients from the host plant. For this reason, they are no able to be transplanted easily.

    Native American tribes are known to consume the edible flowers of the paintbrush. The selenium rich flowers were also used as a hair wash by the Ojibwe people. The Owls Clover is a member of the same genus as the Indian Paintbrush.

    Wikipedia article of Castilleja.