An old cattle trail, the Shafer trail which will test your nerve, as you descend down into the canyons of Canyonlands National Park. This trail by any sense of 4×4 measure is simple. It is for more a challenge of nerve over machine.

This is a short, steep and windy trail from the top of Canyonlands National park down towards the White Rim Trail and beyond. There is no technical challenge on this road at all, but it is the type of trail that will make even the most hardcore traveler smile. There are tight switchbacks as you quickly join up with the Colorado River. Steep cliff faces, extreme drops and amazing views are your reward. Enjoy, and be sure to take your time.
The trail starts near the visitors center of Canyonlands National monument, winds down through the Shafer switchbacks. Once you reach the bottom, you can go left and follow the Colorado River into highway 279 into Moab. A right turn will take you to the White Rim Trail. When you get near the potash plant, you may be rerouted onto Potash Road. Simply follow it around the plant to rejoin the Shafer Trail.